- BaristaCrafts & Workshops
- Baristacrats Book Club
- Tarot with Nikki (Eyes Trained on Love)
- CA$H Prize Trivia
- Pop up Markets
- Annual Earth Day Clean up
- Wednesday Night Markets #HumpDayHoorah
- Food Truck Friday #FoodieFriday #AftonEats
- Full Moon Fundraiser III
- Celestial Celebration II
- Half Moon Harvest Festival III
- Black Cat Affair II
- Tricks n Treats Walk Thru II
- BaristaCrafts & Workshops
- Baristacrats Book Club
- Tarot with Nikki (Eyes Trained on Love)
- CA$H Prize Trivia
- Pop up Markets
- Annual Earth Day Clean up
- Wednesday Night Markets #HumpDayHoorah
- Food Truck Friday #FoodieFriday #AftonEats
- Full Moon Fundraiser III
- Celestial Celebration II
- Half Moon Harvest Festival III
- Black Cat Affair II
- Tricks n Treats Walk Thru II